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Òúðñåíå íà: ����� hot

/ íàä 500 ïðîäóêòà /
Äåòñêà êîëè÷êà Toy State Time Tracker
Îò ñåðèÿòà Road Rippers

Toy State
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Öåíà:  10.50 ëâ.
We Were Liars
E. Lockhart

Hot Key books
Öåíà:  18.90 ëâ.
Jennifer Donnelly

Hot Key books
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  20.90 ëâ.
Family of Liars
E. Lockhart

Hot Key books
Öåíà:  18.90 ëâ.
The Ivory Key
Akshaya Raman

Hot Key books
Öåíà:  16.00 ëâ.
Spellslinger - book 6: Crownbreaker
Sebastien de Castell

Hot Key books
Öåíà:  20.90 ëâ.
Spellslinger - book 5: Queenslayer
Sebastien de Castell

Hot Key books
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  20.90 ëâ.
Spellslinger - book 4: Soulbinder
Sebastien de Castell

Hot Key books
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  20.90 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòè îòãîâàðÿùè íà òúðñåíå: ����� hot
Äåòñêà êîëè÷êà Vtech Hot Rod -

Äåòñêà êîëè÷êà Vtech Hot Rod

Ñúñ çâóê è ñâåòëèíà

Öåíà:  44.90 ëâ.
Êîëè÷êàòà "Hot Rod" îò "Vtech" ùå ñå õàðåñà íà ìîì÷åòàòà. Òîé å ïîäõîäÿù çà äåöà íàä 1 äî 5-ãîäèøíà âúçðàñò. Èãðà÷êàòà å èçðàáîòåíà îò ïëàñòìàñà è ðàçïîëàãà ñúñ ñâåòëèííè è çâóêîâè åôåêòè, êîèòî ñå àêòèâèðàò ïîñðåäñòâîì íàòèñêàíå íà áóòîí. À çà äà å ïî-çàáàâíà èãðàòà, "Hot Rod" ìîæå äà ñå äâèæè íàïðåä è íàçàä, áëàãîäàðåíèå íà âúðòÿùèòå ñå ãóìè. Çàáàâëåíèåòî å ãàðàíòèðàíî! Èãðà÷êàòà å ñ ïðèáëèçèòåëíà äúëæèíà 13 cm. Hot Rod ðàáîòè ñ 2 áàòåðèè AAA , êîèòî ñà âêëþ÷åíè â êîìïëåêòà ñ äåìîíñòðàöèîííà öåë è å æåëàòåëíî äà áúäàò ñìåíåíè ñ íîâè. ...
Ôèãóðêè íà Õàíà è Õîò Ïåïúð Schleich -

Ôèãóðêè íà Õàíà è Õîò Ïåïúð Schleich

Îò ñåðèÿòà Êëóá ïî åçäà

Öåíà:  48.90 ëâ.
Êîìïëåêòúò å ÷àñò îò ñåðèÿòà "Êëóá ïî åçäà", êúäåòî ùå îòêðèåòå îùå ôèãóðêè è àêñåñîàðè ïî òåìàòà. ... Õàíà å çàïàëåíà ïî åçäàòà. Íåéíàòà ìå÷òà å äà ñòàíå âåòåðèíàðåí ëåêàð, ñúùî êàòî ìàéêà ñè. Êîãàòî çà ïúðâè ïúò ñå ñðåùà ñ Õîò Ïåïúð, òîé å óïëàøåí è íåäîâåð÷èâ. Çà äà ãî óñïîêîè, Õàíà ìó çàïÿâà êðàñèâà ïåñåí ñúñ ñâîÿ íåæåí ãëàñ. Îò òîãàâà òå ñà íåðàçäåëíè ïðèÿòåëè. Ïðåöèçíî èçðàáîòåíèòå ôèãóðêè îò "Schleich" ùå çàðàäâàò âñåêè ìàëúê ïî÷èòàòåë íà êîíåòå. Êîìïëåêòúò ñúäúðæà ôèãóðêà íà Õàíà è íåéíèÿò êîí Õîò Ïåïúð, à ñúùî è þçäè è ñåäëî, êîèòî ìîãàò äà ñå ñâàëÿò. Êðàéíèöèòå íà Õàíà ìîãàò äà ñå äâèæàò çà ...
Þçäà, îäåÿëî è øàïêà Schleich - Õàíà è Õîò Ïåïúð -

Þçäà, îäåÿëî è øàïêà Schleich - Õàíà è Õîò Ïåïúð

Îò ñåðèÿòà Êëóá ïî åçäà

Öåíà:  10.90 ëâ.
Êîìïëåêòúò å ÷àñò îò ñåðèÿòà Êëóá ïî åçäà , êúäåòî ùå îòêðèåòå îùå ïðîäóêòè è àêñåñîàðè ïî òåìàòà. ... Õàíà å êóïèëà íà ñâîÿòà êîáèëà Õîò Ïåïúð íîâà þçäà è îäåÿëî, à çà ñåáå ñè - øàïêà. Îäåÿëîòî èìà òèê-òàê êîï÷å, êîåòî ùå óëåñíè íåãîâîòî ïîñòàâÿíåòî è ìàõàíåòî. Òî îñèãóðÿâà íà êîíÿ íóæíàòà ìó ñâîáîäà íà äâèæåíèå è êîìôîðò äîðè ïðè äúëãè è ïðîäúëæèòåëíè ïðåõîäè. Êîìïëåêòúò îò Schleich å èçðàáîòåí îò ïëàñòìàñà, ìåòàë è òåêñòèë. Íà äåòàéëèòå å îáúðíàòî ñïåöèàëíî âíèìàíèå, êîåòî ùå äîïðèíåñå çà ïî-ðåàëèñòè÷íà è çàáàâíà èãðà. ...
Íàäóâàåìè ïîÿñè çà ðúöå - Mondo -

Íàäóâàåìè ïîÿñè çà ðúöå - Mondo

Íà òåìà Îòìúñòèòåëèòå

Öåíà:  5.90 ëâ.
Êîìïëåêòúò å ÷àñò îò ñåðèÿòà Îòìúñòèòåëèòå , êúäåòî ùå îòêðèåòå îùå ïðîäóêòè è àêñåñîàðè ïî òåìàòà. ... Äåòñêèòå ïîÿñè çà ðúöå îò Mondo ùå áúäàò îïîðà íà ìàë÷óãàíèòå äîêàòî ñà âúâ âîäàòà â áàñåéíà èëè â ìîðåòî. Òå ñà ñ èçîáðàæåíèÿ íà ëþáèìèòå ñóïåðãåðîè íà ìíîãî äåöà - Îòìúñòèòåëèòå. Íàäóâàò ñå ëåñíî, à ðàçìåðèòå èì ñà ñúîáðàçåíè ñ ìàëêèòå äåòñêè ðú÷è÷êè. Âñåêè îò ïîÿñèòå å ñ ðàçìåðè 23 x 15 cm. Âíèìàíèå: Íàäóâàåìèòå ïîÿñè çà ðúöå íå ñà ñïàñèòåëíî ñðåäñòâî ïðîòèâ óäàâÿíå è å ïðåïîðú÷èòåëíî äà ñå èçïîëçâàò â ïðèñúñòâèåòî íà âúçðàñòåí! Çà äà íàäóåòå íàé-áúðçî è ëåñíî òîçè ïðîäóêò, âè å íåîáõîäèìà ïîìïà . Ïðè ...
Äåòñêà êîëè÷êà Toy State Time Tracker -

Äåòñêà êîëè÷êà Toy State Time Tracker

Îò ñåðèÿòà Road Rippers

Toy State
Öåíà:  10.50 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Îò "Toy State" íè ïðåäñòàâÿò åäíà ñòðàõîòíà èãðà÷êà îò çíàìåíèòàòà ñåðèÿ "Hot Wheels". Äèçàéíúò íà êîëè÷êàòà å õàðàêòåðåí çà ñåðèÿòà. Èìà ôóòóðèñòè÷íà âèçèÿ, öâåòà å ñâåòëî ñèí, à ñòèêåðèòå íè íàïîìíÿò çà áúðç, ñïîðòåí àâòîìîáèë. Èãðà÷êàòà èìà èíòåðåñíè ñâåòëèííè, ìóçèêàëíè è çâóêîâè åôåêòè. Çàäåéñòâàò ñå ïîñðåäñòâîì íàòèñêàíå íà êîï÷åòî âúâ ôîðìàòà íà ïëàìúê, íàìèðàùî ñå âúðõó ïîêðèâà íà âîçèëîòî. Ðàáîòè ñ 2 áðîÿ áàòåðèè LR44 1.5V , êîèòî ñà âêëþ÷åíè â êîìïëåêòà. ...
We Were Liars -
We Were Liars
E. Lockhart

Hot Key books
Öåíà:  18.90 ëâ.
A modern, sophisticated suspense novel from National Book Award finalist, and Printz Award honoree E. Lockhart . Don't miss the eagerly anticipated prequel, Family of Liars . A beautiful and distinguished family. A private island. A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy. A group of four friends-the Liars-whose friendship turns destructive. A revolution. An accident. A secret. Lies upon lies. True love. The truth. Read it. And if anyone asks you how it ends, just lie."Thrilling, beautiful, and blisteringly smart, We Were Liars is utterly unforgettable." John Green First book in the We ...
Poisoned -
Jennifer Donnelly

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Öåíà:  20.90 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Mirror, mirror on the wall... Who's the deadliest of them all? Once upon a time, a girl named Sophie rode into the forest with the queen's huntsman. Her lips were the colour of ripe cherries, her skin as soft as new-fallen snow, her hair as dark as midnight. When they stopped to rest, the huntsman pulled out his knife... and took Sophie's heart. It shouldn't have come as a surprise. Sophie had heard the rumors. They said she was too kind and foolish to rule - a disaster of a future queen. And Sophie believed them. She believed everything she'd heard about herself, the poisonous words people use to ...
Family of Liars -
Family of Liars
E. Lockhart

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Öåíà:  18.90 ëâ.
The instant New York Times bestseller and prequel to the TikTok phenomenon We Were Liars . Return to the story of another summer, another generation, and the secrets that will haunt them for decades to come. A windswept private island off the coast of Massachusetts. A hungry ocean, churning with secrets and sorrow. A fiery, addicted heiress. An irresistible, unpredictable boy. A summer of unforgivable betrayal and terrible mistakes. Welcome back to the Sinclair family. They were always liars."E.Lockhart is one of our most important novelist." John Green "One of the very best fiction writers writing ...
The Ivory Key -
The Ivory Key
Akshaya Raman

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Öåíà:  16.00 ëâ.
Four siblings. A country in ruin. One quest to save them all. Vira is desperate to get out of her mother's shadow and establish her legacy as a revered queen of Ashoka. But with the country's only quarry running out of magic - a precious resource that has kept Ashoka safe from conflict - she can barely protect her citizens from the looming threat of war. And if her enemies discover this, they'll stop at nothing to seize the last of the magic. Vira's only hope is to find a mysterious object of legend: the Ivory Key, rumoured to unlock a new source of magic. But in order to infiltrate enemy territory and ...
Spellslinger - book 6: Crownbreaker -
Spellslinger - book 6: Crownbreaker
Sebastien de Castell

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Öåíà:  20.90 ëâ.
The sixth - and final - installment of the inimitable "Spellslinger" fantasy series. The game of war is rigged. Kellen swore he'd do anything to protect the young queen who offered him a home and a purpose. But thousands of miles away a war is brewing that will end her reign and take her life, unless a certain outlaw spellslinger is willing to commit a little murder... Now Kellen and his sister Shalla find themselves on opposite sides neither love nor loyalty can protect them from the choices they must take."Exotic, original and gripping." Jonathan Stroud "Gloriously escapist fantasy." ...
Spellslinger - book 5: Queenslayer -
Spellslinger - book 5: Queenslayer
Sebastien de Castell

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Öåíà:  20.90 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Kellen and Reichis have just finished fighting a duel in the desert when Kellen inadvertently smears blood on the Daroman flag - an act of treason for which the Marshals have no choice but to arrest him. Just before he's put before the Queen to be executed, Kellen is given a strange piece of advice from one of his fellow prisoners: kill the Queen and he'll be given clemency by those who take power. But when Kellen comes face-to-face with the eleven year-old monarch, he realises she's vastly smarter than he expected - and in a great deal more danger. The fifth book in the page-turning "Spellslinger" ...
Spellslinger - book 4: Soulbinder -
Spellslinger - book 4: Soulbinder
Sebastien de Castell

Hot Key books
Öåíà:  20.90 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Fate can be fatal. ... Kellen and his murderous squirrel cat, Reichis, are on their own. They’ve heard rumour of a mythical monastery, known as the Ebony Abbey. It’s a place that outsiders can never find – but Kellen is getting desperate. He’s been told that the monks inside the Ebony Abbey know more about the Shadowblack than anyone else – and that they even know how to cure it. Then Kellen and Reichis are separated and for the first time, Kellen must face the world alone – and venture deeper into shadow magic than he ever knew he could."Gloriously escapist fantasy." Observer "Exotic, original and ...
Òúðñåíå íà: ����� hot Ïðîäóêòè 49-60 îò íàä 500
Òâîèòå 5 ïîñëåäíè òúðñåíèÿ:
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